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What you find in the Compliance overview

James Lipscombe avatar
Written by James Lipscombe
Updated over a week ago

The Compliance overview gives you a quick oversight of the status of all 'Documents & Supporting Files' and 'Background Checks' for all workers in your Supply Pool.

Navigate to 'Compliance' from the side menu.

'Documents & Supporting Files' are represented by the document icon and is colour coded in the following way

  • Red - No file has been uploaded by the worker or the document approval status is waiting for document.

  • Amber - A file has been uploaded by the worker but no document has been created by an administrator yet or the document status is document received.

  • Green - A file has been uploaded and a document has been created and approved by an administrator.

  • Blue - A document has been rejected by an administrator.

For each column there is a filter attached to return specific statuses only and there is a worker search bar at the top of the page.

Select the workers name to then create 'Documents & Supporting Files' or conduct 'Background Checks'.

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