To access the Worker Engagement report
Navigate to the Reports icon on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
Select Worker Engagement Reports from the available options.
On the right hand side you can export a csv of the report (click the dropdown arrow next to 'Invite User')
***Please note 'Last logged in' & 'Login count' columns will only populate once a person has logged in, until then it will be blank. Once they login it will be populated with historical data dating back to when they signed up***
To access the User Engagement report
Navigate to the 'Users' tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
Click 'export User Engagement report' on the drop down in the top right
***Please note 'Last logged in' & 'Login count' columns will only populate once a person has logged in, until then it will be blank. Once they login it will be populated with historical data dating back to when they signed up***