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How To Apply for Jobs on Education Job Finder
Karen Beynon avatar
Written by Karen Beynon
Updated over 8 months ago

Education Job Finder (EJF) is a jobs board provided by EducationHR, a Traded Services division of Norfolk County Council. EJF is powered by Teacher Booker, a technology company serving the education sector.

This article details how job seekers can use Education Job Finder to search for and Apply for jobs advertised by schools and childcare organisations.

First, navigate to the EJF website at

There are two ways to search. You can either:

  1. Type in keywords

So for example, if you are specifically looking for Nursery teacher jobs, and nothing else, then just type in Nursery Teacher and you will see which jobs are available for Nursery Teachers.


Go to the section which says ‘Find a New Role’.

If you use this method, you will be taken to this page:

Fill in the details specific to your search. Click on search and you will then see a list of jobs specific to your requirements.

There will be 3 different kinds of adverts on Education Job Finder:

  • Adverts where you can apply online via your Teacher Booker account

  • Adverts where you will be redirected to a careers page on another website.

  • Adverts where you will be required to download an attached application form which you will need to complete and send directly to the school.

Applying for jobs online through your Teacher Booker account:

When you see a job you like, click on the arrow which will take you to a description of the job.

Alongside the job description, you will see the option to ‘Apply For This Job’.

Please note: to apply you will need to have a Teacher Booker account.

If you click on ‘Apply For This Job’ you will be asked if you already have a Teacher Booker account.

If you click ‘No’ you will be prompted to register for an account before applying.

If you already have an account, you can click ‘Yes’, log in to your account and you will be taken to your jobs page in your profile.

Here you will see the job you would like to apply for. Click on 'Apply for This Job' in the top right hand corner of page

You will then be taken to the application form for the job. The application form will be in sections. If you don't want to complete the form all at once, you can Save your progress and come back to complete it later.

The form is divided into several sections as follows:

1. Read the information in the Introduction. You will see that at this point, your name has already been entered from the registration stage.

Click on Next when ready to move on.

2. Details

Follow the instructions on the page to enter your personal details such as:

Mobile number, NI Number and Home Address.

Click on Next when ready to move on

3. Employment History

Add all your employment details since leaving school starting with the most recent. Then work back in order through your employment history.

You have the option to add multiple employments.

Click on Next when ready to move on.

4. Education History

In this section, you are required to enter all your places of education from Higher Education to Secondary. Ensure to add in the

  • names of the institutions and the years you studied in each

  • courses and subjects you studied

  • Certificates and grades you achieved at each level

Click on Next when ready to move on.

5. Supporting Information

In this section, you will be asked to complete forms that are specific to the job you are applying for.

6. References
Please enter the details of 2 professional referees. One should be your most recent employer.

Click on Next when ready to move on.

7. Summary

Read the information.

When you are happy with the information you have provided, click on ‘Submit Application’.

Note that there may be other Forms specific to the job you are applying for as well.

Applying for Jobs Where You Will be Redirected to A Careers Page

Sometimes an advert on EJF will redirect you to another website. Click on the job you would like to view.

Scroll down to the 'How To Apply' section of the advert. Here it will tell you whether you will be redirected to a career's page on another website. Follow the instructions to apply.

Applying for Jobs with an Attached Application Form

In some cases you will be asked to download an application form and complete it offline.

Click on the job you would like to view.

Scroll down to the 'How To Apply' section of the advert.

Here it will tell you whether you will are required to download an application form.

Follow the instructions to apply then send your completed application to the e-mail address provided.

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