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Creating a Job Advert with A 'Redirect' application route

If you want the 'Apply Now' button on the jobs board to redirect candidates to another website, use this workflow

Karen Beynon avatar
Written by Karen Beynon
Updated over 9 months ago

When you log in, navigate to the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) button on the left hand sidebar.

Click on the ‘Create A New Advert’ button.

Note that you will enter the content for your job ad and other details about your job first.

At the bottom of the pop up window you will be asked to decide the application route that you would like to use -- 'Redirect' which will redirect the candidate to another website; 'Attach Application Document' which will ask candidates to download a form that you upload along with the advert (e.g. a MS Word document) and complete it outside of the system, or 'Integrated with Applicant Tracking System', which will mean candidates will apply for your job online, within Teacher Booker.

This guide details how to use the 'Redirect' workflow.

Fill out the required fields for your job advert:

  • Job Title ie Nursery Teacher

  • Job Advert (here you can provide detailed information about the job post, the school, the applicant requirements etc.)

  • Job Salary - exact salary/salary range

  • If there are any additional allowances for this job ie TLR,SEND etc

  • Job start date - click on the calendar icon to choose a specific date or it can be entered manually

  • Job Start Date Text - here you can be more specific about the start state ie Spring Term 1

  • Job expiry date and time (the date and time that the job advert will expire and automatically close e.g 24/03/24 15:15 PM).

  • Select the trust that the job is associated with (if applicable. If you are posting as a single school you do not need to check this box).

  • You can also post the job as a Trust, therefore the Trust branding will be used in the job advert.

  • The name and address of the school the job will be based at.

  • The job role e.g. Teacher, Teaching Assistant etc.

  • If you’d like the job to be open to applications from Early Careers Teachers (ECT), tick the box.

  • Job Working Patterns ie clarify whether the job will be full time/ part time, sessional or variable.

  • Job Work Hours - specify how many hours a week the applicant will be contracted to work depending on the Job Working Pattern

  • Job Contract Type

Click on the contract type specific to the job.

  • Job Weeks

Here you can specify whether the job is for ‘Term Time Only’ or if additional weeks will be required.

  • Job Phase

Here you can select which education phase the job is for.

  • Job Key Stages

Once you have selected the education phase, here you can select the stages the job will cover within that phase.

Once you have completed the above fields, you will see the following message:

If you click on the arrow in the Job Advert Type box, you will see a drop down menu with the following options:

Click on the Redirect To Careers Page option.

You will see the following:

Here you will need to enter the relevant URL which will take the applicant to the relevant jobs page.

When you are happy with all the information in your ad, click on Create.

Please remember, this creates the job ad in a draft state. You can edit the job, at this stage, if required, but you will need to publish it in order for it to go live on the jobs board."


You have successfully created a Jobs Advert that has a ‘Redirect to Careers Page’ option.

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