Ideally, all jobs are posted in advance of when they are started on Teacher Booker. However, we know that sometimes this isn't possible and jobs need to be created on the system which have already been started.
In order to do this, on the job posting page, post a job with 'Dates to be determined' and complete the other information about the booking as normal. 'Search for teachers' and then select the orange 'Select Manually' button. Find the teacher using the search bar and Select, then select 'Go to Job Preview (Invite 1 selected teachers)'
Add the normal information on the following page and explain in the 'Job Description' which dates this booking will be for before sending the invite to the worker.
Once the worker has applied and accepted the subsequent offer meaning the booking is finalised, you will need to add timesheets to the booking for the days that both have been completed and any days in the future.