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Worker Availability

Quickly see the availability of workers

James Lipscombe avatar
Written by James Lipscombe
Updated over a year ago

It is possible to view the availability of the workers in your Supply Pool at month, week and day view.

Navigate to 'CRM' from the side menu, then click on the blue text in the workers 'Availability' column. You will see the month availability view of the worker.

If a worker is booked to work in a school in your organisation you will see those days marked with the school's name in a green box. If a worker has marked themselves as unavailable, or if they are booked to work in a school outside of your organisation, then they will be marked as unavailable in red.

Above the calendar in the top left you will see the availability summary, if a worker has 'Paused their job offers' you will see this here.

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