The system is configured to calculate uplift in hours for jobs that are 3 days or more.
On the second page when posting a job for a full day you will see the paid hours are defaulted to 5.5hrs. If the job you are posting is for 3 days or more the uplift to 7hrs will automatically happen on the timesheet after the booking has been accepted.
Jobs that are posted for 2 days or less will be at 5.5hrs. These hours can be edited by the school if for example overtime is worked E.g. afterschool club.
Only in exceptional circumstances will a school be able to offer the higher rate of 7hrs for cover under 3 days, once approval has been obtained from their Quality Improvement Officer (QIO)
The system can only apply the shift allowance of 7 hrs if the days are included in one booking. Eg if you have a worker for 2 days in one job but then post a new job out and book in the same worker for another 2 days 5.5hrs with no uplift would be applied to both jobs.
You will see the increase in hours at the bottom of the timesheet so there is no need for you to edit the 5.5hrs hours, as shown below.
For EYPs in early year settings you would adjust the paid hours accordingly.