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Aberdeenshire Council - Using Request

When should I use the ‘Request’ booking flow?

Jemma Ive avatar
Written by Jemma Ive
Updated over a week ago

You will only need to use the ‘Request’ booking flow if your job meets the below criteria for EYP & PSA roles. The ‘Request’ flow means that it will go to the council for approval. Once it has been approved you will be able to receive any applications and offer the job to who you would like.

*** All other roles should be posted via Planned Absence ****

Relief PSA

In all cases before sourcing a Relief PSA, you must check if part time staff within your school can cover the hours, if they are unable to undertake additional hours, please check within your cluster for cover first before submitting a request for relief.

•Sickness over 7 days: First 7 days are covered by the school and the S30 Sickness Absence must be completed and submitted.

•Vacancy Cover: An advert must be placed before requesting cover.

•Exceptional Circumstance requests: Will require Budget Holder Approval before sourcing cover. As much information as possible should be provided to enable the budget holder to make an informed decision on whether to approve or decline your request for cover.

Relief EYP

In all cases before sourcing a Relief EYP, you must check if part time staff within your setting can cover the hours, if they are unable to undertake additional hours, please check within your cluster for cover first before submitting a request for relief.

•Sickness over 1 day: First day is covered by the setting and the S30 Sickness Absence must be completed and submitted.

•Vacancy Cover: An advert must be placed before requesting cover.

•Exceptional Circumstance requests: Will require Budget Holder Approval before sourcing cover. As much information as possible should be provided to enable the budget holder to make an informed decision on whether to approve or decline your request for cover.

If your job does not meet the above criteria or is for a role that is not EYP/PSA you can use the ‘Planned Absence’ route which means your job will go directly to the workers.

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